A Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC) in required to legally fly a Drone in India. However, there are exemptions for few classes of drones, i.e. Nano Class (Total all up Weight of Drone < 250 grams) or Micro Class (Total all up Weight of Drone more than 250 grams but less than 2 kgs. Flying Micro Class drone for recreation purpose only). For rest, you need a RPC to legally fly a drone in India. Thus, an obvious question comes to our mind, “Where we can get training in order to become a Drone Pilot or get a Remote Pilot Certificate to fly drones?”.
Remote Pilot Training Organization (“RPTO” as it is generally referred to in the Drone Training Industry) is a DGCA authorized institute to impart the training, based on the DGCA prescribed syllabus, to individual who aspire to become a Drone Pilot or get Remote Pilot Certificate in India.
The process, procedure and rules for opening and running of a RPTO, in India, is laid down in Drone Rule 2021, Drone (Amended) Rules 2022, Drone (Amended) Rule 2023, Drone Training Circulars (DTC) 01 of 2022 (RPTO Authorization) and DTC 01 of 2023 Revision 2 (Requirements for approval of Train the Trainer, Instructor Rating, Master Instructor Authorisation and change management), DTC 02 of 2022 (Syllabus for training & examination of Remote Pilots) and DTC 02 of 2023 (Offline RPC Generation by RPTOs), DTC 03 of 2022 (Training & Procedures Manual for Remote Pilot Training).
Mentioned below are the basic requirements as per the DTC 02 of 2022.
If we summaries all these documents in a concise and comprehensive manner, we can bring it down to a 5-step process in order to start a RPTO.
1. People :
People are the most important ingredient not only for an RPTO but also for any organization. A proposed RPTO shall require a minimum of an Accountable Manager and at least 2 DGCA Certified Drone Instructors (for the intended Category, Sub – Category and Classification of Drone in which the organization wants to open an RPTO).
An accountable manager is the person in-charge for the day-to-day functioning of the RPTO and acts to some extend as the principal of the drone training organization.
Instructors are qualified and DGCA approved, in order to teach and train individuals for flying of drones. For example, if an organization wishes to open a RPTO for giving training on Small Class Rotorcraft drone then it shall require to hire minimum of 2 DGCA certified Drone Instructors in Rotorcraft Category, RPAS Sub – category and Small Class of Drones. Drone Instructor can conduct classes for a batch size of 20 students trained in physical mode and for online ground class a larger batch can be trained but the batch shall never exceed 30 trainees.
In addition to these people, RPTO shall have support staff in the form of administrative staff, maintenance staff and other staffs in order to smoothly carry out the day-to-day functioning of the RPTO.
2. Place:
As per DTC 01 of 2022, the requirement of RPTO location is divided into two halves, namely:
Base Location : The place where the ground theory class and simulator training shall be carried for the aspiring students. The classroom and facilities include a proper class room (Minimum 300 sq. ft. for batch size of up to 20 students), Office space for operation and admin staff, waiting area for students, simulator classroom (with minimum 2 simulators), storage area for training & personal records, drone maintenance arrangements, battery Charging & storing facility.
Flying Area : Flying area is an open ground of defined dimension for practical training of flying the drones.
For Cat – 1 [VLOS : Visual Line of Sight] training, the required flying area are : Aeroplan Category - 200mx100m, for Rotorcraft Category - 60mx60m and for
Hybrid Category - 200mx100m [For providing simultaneous training of more than 1 drone, the minimum flying area should be increased proportionately]
For Cat-2 [BVLOS: Beyond Visual Line of Sight] training, the required flying area are: Aeroplan Category - 200mx100m, for Rotorcraft Category - 60mx60m and for Hybrid Category - 200mx100m [For providing simultaneous training of more than 1 drone, the minimum flying area should be increased proportionately and Additional airspace for performing BVLOS operations should also be available]
3. Things:
These are the requisite drones, simulator software and hardware, furniture and fixtures required at the RPTO facility in order to facilitate the required standard of training for the trainees. These are, but not limited to:
Drones : 2 Type Certified training drones of a particular Category, Sub – Category and Classification are required for starting a RPTO. The training drones are specially and specifically type certified for training, having a master and slave configuration of Remote Control. For example, in case a RPTO propose to start training in Small Class Rotorcraft RPAS drones then it needs to buy any type certified training drones of Rotorcraft Category, RPAS Sub – Category and Small Classification.
Simulator Software and Hardware: The RPTO needs to procure at least 2 simulator software and hardware for training.
Training Aid: Aids like projector, whiteboard and other training material which may be necessary to facilitate proper ground theory classes.
Requisite number of furniture, fixtures and computer for conducting ground theory, simulator classes and flying classes at the RPTO.
4. Documents:
As per DTC 01 of 2022, the RPTO application should have at least the following:
Proof of eligibility.
Details of head of the organization with proof.
Details of the organization with proof.
Declaration that the proposed Operational base lies in the Green Zone as per Drone Rules, 2021 and provide the Map from DSP. For operations in Yellow & Red Zone, copy of NOC from AAI and Central Government is required.
Details of infrastructure, facilities, location etc. with proof.
Details of the unmanned aircraft system to be used for training.
Details of personnel involved with proof.
Copy of Training & Procedure Manual.
Copy of Third-Party Insurance
5. DGCA:
The RPTO applicant shall ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria as given in above mentioned DGCA documents and meet the minimum requirements to become an authorized RPTO.
The applicant then shall make an application in Form D-5 through Digital Sky Platform along with fee of ₹1000. The RPTO application shall submit the required documents to DGCA for inspection through Digital Sky Platform.
The application shall be made to DGCA at least 60 days prior to intended date of commencement of training.
The applicant may be required to provide additional information sought by DGCA. Therefore, the applicant is advised to check the Digital Sky Platform regularly.
The applicant should be ready for onsite inspection by the DGCA Team on a mutually agreeable date.
After the inspection and satisfaction of the DGCA Team, the RPTO shall be authorized to start the drone training program.
Hurray!! The RPTO has finally got the authorization to start its operation and skill the trainees to become Certified Drone Pilots.